Any Bondage is Sexy, Right?

Sexy Bondage

There’s a difference between soft bondage and hardcore bondage and sexy bondage. I personally like all three, but different strokes for different folks, right? It’s a lot of fun to be able to experiment with bondage. You can use leather strips, zip ties, handcuffs, Velcro wraps and ropes. Any of those are fun and if you do it a certain way, they certainly can all be sexy. There is no right or wrong way to do any kind of bondage, as long as you are with someone that you can trust and that you consider to be safe. You should always have a safe word as well. However, make it something reasonable and easy to remember, and don’t try to be a funny guy because if your safe word is something like ‘harder’ or ‘longdickit’ there may be just a touch of confusion and someone may end up getting their feelings hurt. And nobody wants hurt feelings in bondage. It’s very important to keep an open mind while practicing any new sexual anything. But when your tied to a table and unable to move something as simple as your eyeballs, some people tend to get a little stressed out, and uptight. Any kind of sex can be sexy, just like any kind of sex can be naughty or dirty or bad or evil. Sex is what you make it and all about how you do it and enjoy it either by yourself or with another person. Or ten. Make all of your sex sexy…. Especially your bondage.

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