Category: Erotic BDSM stories

Submissive sex chat with Nurse Robyn bound and gagged

 Submissive sex chatSubmissive sex chat with Nurse Robyn, bound and gagged for your pleasures! As a Home health aid to my father-in-law, I must always be in full uniform, and it must be sexy as fuck for him. I am doing my duty as his daughter-in-law and slave to my husband. I make his last years as comfortable as I can with nice long hot sponge baths, masturbation sessions and sensual massages.  He enjoys my submissiveness and I love pleasing him.

Big old daddy meat always leaves me with a little treat when he is done. I’m ever so grateful to be able to take care of his nice big father cock. This man is a monster, I tell you, his dick hangs so far down when I am sponge bathing him that I’m scared to see it grow some days. But like clock work every day at noon it springs up like a mighty oak! 

Submissive sex chat wife serves father in laws cock in home health! 

But Life happened today and I snuck out during his nap to go pick my son up from his friends house, and I missed the great noon rising of my father-in-law’s cock! The first thing he did was call my husband and demand that I be punished for not draining him like a good slave slut nurse aid.

When I rushed back, my husband was waiting for me with my ball gag and restraints. This Bondage whore is in trouble and will be taking her father-in-law’s old cock and her husband’s cock until they are both happy I have been filled enough. I’m sure the floggers and whips are coming out to grace my sweet Slave whore flesh as well!

Torture phone sex punish your naughty slut.

Torture phone sex

     Torture phone sex punish your naughty slut. I need it. Put those clothes pins on the cunt. As shown above you can clearly see that I like it. Makes me wet. Smack that cunt. I was a disobedient slave. Need the whip. Use the cat-o-nine. In the long wrong I was very naughty. Tell me you like torture. In fact, tell me everything you like so that I may please you.

For the most part I obey. From time to time, I will disobey. This way I get punished and tortured. Immediately upon the pain I get wet. The cum juices will coat my legs, go between my ass cheeks. Pool around the asshole. Begging you to fuck it. Anal pain is what I need to be punished with besides the clothes pins. Wooden clothes pin will cause splinters into my tender bits. Submissive slut

Whereas metal will conduct electricity better. What level of pain would you like. All in all, they get me as wet as possible. Further on down the road we will continue the torture lessons. You do need to keep your Submissive slut in line. 

In the long run when I do step out of line, I will know that you are going to make it hurt. I like the pain. Obviously, when you get hard gets me horny too. I will quickly come to you on bended knee. Anything you command. I am yours.


Sexy Bondage Slut Jacqueline Loves Being Dominant

sexy bondageSexy Bondage is what you love you tell me as I squirm in anticipation, wishing for more as you continue to torment me. The ball gag muffles my pleas for mercy and makes it impossible to beg for release, only adding to my arousal. My nipples are already hard from your touch earlier and the clamps bite into them, causing a sting that mixes with the pleasure coursing through my body.

As you tie me up tighter with ropes and chains, I feel both helpless and incredibly turned on by your dominance. Every time you strike my sensitive flesh with the flogger, I arch my back in response, unable to control myself despite knowing how vulnerable I am in this position. My pussy is soaking wet now and throbbing with need as I wait for what comes next.

Please don’t stop…I think but dare not say aloud due to the gag between us; instead letting out another soft moan that echoes around our intimate space filled only by our breaths heavy from desire,

I feel your fingers teasing at the entrance of my cunt, spreading my wetness around before slipping inside me slowly. You fill me up with one finger then two, stretching me as you prepare for what’s to come next. The sensation is overwhelmingly hot and I can’t help but buck against your hand despite being restrained by ropes and chains.

You remove your fingers only to replace them with something larger – a vibrator perhaps? It feels enormous inside me as it begins to thrust in time with each stroke from the flogger across my sensitive skin . My hips jerk involuntarily trying desperately reach for more friction against whatever object might be causing this incredible pleasure deep within myself .

The combination of pain , pleasure , submission ,and anticipation are too much; soon enough an orgasm builds within me uncontrollably until finally crashing over like waves upon shoreside rocks leaving behind nothing but pure blissful exhaustion mixed with satisfaction.

Submissive Whore Jacqueline and All Her Bondage Fun

Submissive whoreI’m a slutty little submisssive whore who loves the feeling of being bound, gagged, and completely at the mercy of my Master. The anticipation of not knowing what’s coming next is enough to make my pussy wet with excitement. When he finally enters the room, I can feel his presence wash over me like a tidal wave. He grabs me roughly by the hair and drags me to where he wants me – on all fours with my ass sticking out invitingly.

He ties my wrists securely behind my back so that I am completely helpless as he begins to tease me with different implements of pleasure and pain. First comes the ball gag in my mouth; it muffles my cries but doesn’t stop them from escaping as he runs his rough hands over every inch of exposed skin on my body. Then come the nipple clamps – cold metal pinching at sensitive nerves sending shockwaves through every fiber of being until they are pulled tight enough that they hurt but not too much for him to enjoy seeing how red they make me turn under his touch.

As if that weren’t enough torment already, there’s also a flogger waiting for its chance at work its magic on this submissive slut’s flesh – each strike stings yet leaves an intoxicating burn that only serves as fuel for our twisted passion play unfolding before us both . With each swat against bare skin comes another moan from deep within; echoing off walls like desperate pleas for more punishment rather than release from it.

Finally, after what feels like hours (but could only have been minutes), he positions himself behind me and begins to thrust into my tight little hole without warning or mercy. It hurts so good! The pain from the previous torments mixes with this newfound pleasure as he takes me roughly from behind – claiming ownership over every inch of my body with each powerful stroke inside me.

Cock worshiping captive for sale, buy me and make me suffer

Cock worshiping

Cock-worshiping captive, Breanne, here to tell you all about my current predicament as a hot bondage slave up for sale. That’s right, I’ve gotten myself into a bit of trouble, and now I’m offering myself up to the highest bidder to do with as they please. But before we get into the dirty details, let me give you a little taste of who I am and what makes me such a delicious treat for all you kinky motherfuckers out there.

First of all, I’m a certified nymphomaniac with a lust for cock that knows no bounds. I’ve always had a thing for bondage and domination, and I love nothing more than being tied up, gagged, and at the mercy of a big, strong man who knows how to handle a bitch like me.

I guess you could say I got a little too cocky (pun intended) and found myself in over my head. I was exploring an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, looking for a new place to play out my wildest fantasies, when I stumbled upon a group of men who had some interesting ideas about how to use a girl like me. Before I knew it, I was bound, gagged, and at their mercy, and they decided to put me up for sale to the highest bidder.

I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and the fear that comes from being used and abused by a bunch of horny strangers really makes me wet.  I figure this is the perfect opportunity to find a new Master who can truly satisfy my insatiable appetite for cock and punishment.

I need to be a Bondage whore slave to a Master. It’s really the only thing I am good at, just being a total cock whore. I can deepthroat for hours and can take a pounding like a champion. I also have a bit of a fetish for public humiliation, and I love the idea of being paraded around in front of a crowd of strangers, completely naked and at the mercy of my Master’s whims.

But that’s not all I’m willing to do. I’m also a total pain slut, and I love the feeling of a good, hard spanking. I have a collection of toys and instruments of torture that I’m more than willing to share with my new Master, and I’m always up for a good flogging or caning. I love the feeling of being pushed to my limits and beyond.

Let me be your guinea pig, Sir! Be the sadistic motherfucker you want to be with me! I will submit to your every whim, no matter how dirty you want to be. So, what are you waiting for? Place your bid and make me your very own Hardcore bondage bitch!


My Bondage Addiction: The Master’s Revenge

Hardcore bondage

So, my master had been watching my every move, and boy, did I fuck up. Big time. A lesson was in order, and I was eager to receive it.He began with the ties, binding my wrists and ankles securely. I was at his mercy, a good little sub. He spanked me hard, and the smacks echoed in the room. My ass reddened, he added a gag, and my eyes were covered with a blindfold.I was his toy, and he loved to hear me whine. The anticipation of what was to come left me dripping wet.

He whispered dark promises of vengeance into my ear, and I shuddered in anticipation. The slap of his hands on my ass kept time with my growing moans.But the real fun began when he bent me over. I felt the cold metal of restraints on my wrists, securing me in place. My master wasn’t gentle, and the pain was exquisite.He whipped my exposed back, and I bit down hard on the gag to muffle my screams. He pulled my hair, forcing my head back, and spanked my ass till it was raw.

“You like this, don’t you, slut?” he growled.

I nodded frantically.

He untied my legs, spread them wide, and thrust his hand into my soaking pussy. I was his little cum dumpster, and he made sure I knew it.

Good girls get rewarded; bad girls get punished. I was loving every minute of it!

Bare Bottom Spankings I Rarely Want but I Always Get

bare bottom spankingsSome days I need bare bottom spankings. However, I do not always think I need them. When master paddled me Friday in the office, he told me I had been a bad girl. But honestly, I did not know what I did this time. Usually, I am late, or I fucked up a task or he caught me on Grinder. But I have been good lately. So, perhaps he just wanted to spank his slave. When we first hooked up, all he wanted to do was spank me and tie me up.

Bondage and spanking games he enjoys the most. As his slave, I just must submit and do as I am told. But this time, he employed a spanking machine. And I knew I might be in trouble. Those things use a wooden paddle to spank bare asses at warp speed. So, I did not know what speed he intended to use. And I have heard horror stories about women getting raw and blistered from these things. Master has blistered my ass before. However, he goes much softer now that he is an old man.

As a Submissive Slave, I Take My Punishments with a Smile

Modern technology did this submissive whore no favors Friday. I have a love-hate relationship with modern technology. No machine could spank my ass harder than my father when I was a schoolgirl. However, the spanking machines did not exist back then, thankfully. Simpler times to be a slave, LOL. I sucked it up and bent over the desk in the position to take my wallops. And master did put it on warp speed. Ouch. He started slow but increased the intensity quickly.

I grabbed a pencil on his desk and used it as a bite grip. But I broke the pencil with the first round of paddles. That machine hurt my butt. Although it has been a few days, my ass still resembles raw hamburger meat. I have not been able to sit. I still do not know what I did to deserve that sort of pain. But as a submissive slut, I take my punishments like a good bitch.

Bondage S&M sluts are better beaten, covered in cum

Bondage S&M

Bondage S&M sluts are better beaten, covered in cum! Here I am, on my knees to serve you my king. I will not so much as breathe without your permission. I know I deserve all the pain you can give me and I will take it in every way. Please sir, just put your cock inside me, and pump me hard. I am such a nasty whore I really need to cum. 

I beg for it, and I’ll do anything to get it. I’m the bitch who gets a good beating in your world of pain. I need the  feeling the sting of your whip to put me in my place. Beat me without mercy, I want to be covered in welts. No one can tie knots like you. The tightness of the rope around my neck makes me shiver. I always wonder if this time will be the time it goes to far. And that makes me soaking fucking wet, Sir. 

I love your hard cock inside me, pumping me hard and making me scream with pleasure. You know how I am always begging to be covered in your cum. The moment when your load is showering me is like a release of tension for me. I know in that moment I am a good girl who served you well. 

Of course, I am only your mindless slut. I am here to serve you and you only. I will do your bidding as you see fit. When it comes to Extreme bondage I have no limitations, even if I did have a choice. I want you to draw out my pain as long as possible. You know my little clit will be screaming for release and it’s up to you if you will give that to me.

I give all my power to you Master. As a worthless slut it is my purpose to be your tight fuck toy, open and ready when you give the orders. You make the knots tighter and I can feel my cheeks getting hot. Then it starts to get harder to breath. I feel my pussy dripping down my legs. When I don’t think you can pull it any tighter, you do. I can feel my eyes pop out and I am on the brink of orgasm. 

Please Master, please can I cum? I am so close, I don’t know if I can be your good girl and hold it any longer. You know that this is what I was designed for and you know I can’t help myself. With your guidance I know I can be the best submissive slut ever. But please sir, I need to cum!

I’m ready and waiting to serve you, my king. I’m your slave whore, your nasty little slut, your dirty secret. I’m here to make your deepest desires come true! I’m here to please, to submit with Extreme fetish phone sex!

Extremely Bound: A Kinky Tale of Bondage Bliss

Let’s dive into a world of complete and utter submission—a world of extreme bondage. Are you ready for this erotic adventure? Buckle up!

I’m talking about ropes, chains, and all sorts of yummy restraints. Mmm, gets me wet just thinking about it!

So, imagine me, all dolled up in the hottest latex number, looking like a complete badass. My date for the night? A mysterious stranger with a fetish for control. Oh, boy!

They blindfold me, adding an element of suspense—I have no idea what’s coming next, and that my friends, is the main course!

The feeling of being tied up, vulnerable, yet empowered, courses through my veins. My captor teases me, running icy fingers down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Their skilled hands explore my body, tying me up in complex knots of ecstasy.

My senses are heightened, every touch, a lightning bolt of pleasure. I’m their plaything, moaning, struggling—a delicious combination. The crowd roars in approval, encouraging my master to push me further.

And just when I think I can’t take anymore, they unleash a mind-blowing orgasm that makes me see stars. The pleasure’s so intense, I pass out—a smile permanently etched on my face.

Wake up, feeling refreshed, yet hungry for more. That, my friends, is the beauty of extreme bondage!

Bondage whore here to serve you Master, give me your all!

Bondage whoreBondage whore here to serve you Master, give me your all! I live for the thrill of being bound and tortured, my body at the mercy of my Master’s desires. I’m here to serve you, to give you my all, to make your wildest bondage fantasies come true.

When I’m not serving as a human plaything for my Master, I’m thinking about it. I dream about the feeling of tight ropes digging into my skin, the burn of hot wax on my flesh, the sound of a riding crop slapping against my bare ass. I crave the pain, the submission, the utter degradation of being used for extreme bondage.

 Give me the Extreme bondage I deserve. Make me suffer as humanly possible! I want to feel the rush of adrenaline as you bind me, the sting of your whip as it leaves welts on my skin. I want to suffer for your pleasure, to cater to your every desire.

When I’m bound and helpless, I’m putting myself entirely in your hands. And there’s something incredibly hot about that. You will make me squeal as you pull the rope tighter around my neck as you are pounding my ass. I know how you love to use the vibartor on my clit till I cry out in pain.

I’m here, ready and willing to submit to your every desire. Whether it’s in person or over the phone, I want to make you feel like a powerful Master. I want to suffer for you, to be your plaything, to be your lowly bondage whore. So go ahead, give me your all. Bind me, torture me, use me for Extreme fetish phone sex! I’m here, waiting for your command.