MILF phone sex sluts make the best submissives. That is what all my masters have told me in the past. Young girls think the world is theirs for the taking. They think they are princesses. Now, the submissive ones usually are just playing a role because they are looking to snag a Christian Gray or they want money and gifts in exchange for being whipped or bound. I know I am not worthy of being pampered or spoiled. I am here to serve men. That means rough fucking, hardcore anal, BDSM games, bukkake parties, gang bangs and even water sports. Coeds complain more. They have rules and limits. They do not understand what being a lifestyle submissive whore means or entails. I live to please my masters. I may not be enthusiastic about what he is doing to me, but I don’t complain. I don’t interject. I don’t negotiate something different, something less degrading. I just take it and do my best not to cry. Old bitches like me may have more miles on us, but we have less fight in us. That is because we know our place. On our knees in front of our masers asking how we can serve you today, sir.