Naomi is a Submissive slut for Daddy

I was always a daddy’s girl.

I wanted to always make my daddy happy and smile.

Being his Submissive slut made daddy smile. 

I remember hearing my mommy screaming one night, calling my daddy a freak.

Yelling at him to let her go..

I could see through a crack in the door my daddy standing there pissing on my mommies face.

He was naked and standing in-front of her.

Submissive slut

She was tied to the foot of the bed, I could see the ropes twisting against her skin.

She screamed more and more as the ropes twisted against her skin.

There my daddy was, laughing calling her a worthless whore as he pissed all over her worthless fucking face.

She was his piss whore and she was so mad but daddy was smiling.

He had the exact same smile when I would sit on his lap and I could feel his hard cock against my tiny pussy.

I wanted to make daddy smile..

I begged daddy one night after he had been drinking.

Mommy was gone and he kept drinking and getting angry.

Daddy wasn’t happy and all I wanted was to see him smile.

I went into Mommy and Daddy’s room.

I put on some of my mommies panties that daddy loved to pee on, I grabbed the rope and sat down the way I saw mommy sitting.

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I screamed for daddy to come and help me.

He was beyond angry when he stormed into the room and stopped dead in his tracks.

His eyes were wide as I sat there like mommy.

I rubbed my tiny pussy they way mommy rubbed hers and begged daddy to make me his piss whore too.

I begged until daddy finally tied me up.

I told him I wanted to be treated just like mommy.

I just wanted to see him smile again.

He had the biggest smile as he pulled his cock out and started making me suck his cock, when he started filling my mouth up with his piss daddy was so fucking happy!


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