
I was always destined to be a submissive phone sex slut. My daddy always would make me do tasks he knew I couldn’t finish just to punish me. And of course, this slut found her self tightly bound to the kitchen chair more often, than not. Ball gags became a way of life in my household. Brats were to be tied up and shut up. When I met my husband, I knew I would be his slave. He never lets me get away with any bad behavior. I am whipped and bound every day. Even when I was pregnant, he never stopped being the King of my body. I am lucky to be your BDSM phone sex kinky plaything. I love being used and abused in every way I reach so many more masters this way. Even oldest son has a hand at humiliating and putting me into submission. It must run in the blood to be a BDSM Master. Does It run in your hot blood, Sir?
I have had so much cum in my body at one time I thought I was going to drown by cum. Toilet play and ropes and chains are no stranger to my hot mature body.My Hubby and son subject me to impromptu gangbangs while in complete bondage gear. I never mind as I love serving them and any man or woman who want a piece of my SubSlut body. I am your hot cum dump, mommy whore and more. I allow you My Master complete control of my emotions, body and everything in between. Total submission is what maks my MILF phone sex pussy wet… Please cum and tie me up, whip me, tell me when and how I can touch myself, tell me when and how I can touch you, make me beg, pray, crawl, live and die for you. Bring me your most erotic and sensual request or your deepest darkest fantasies and let me help you make them a reality. I truly have no limits on what you can do to me.
Forever at your feet,
Subby Milf Whore Robyn


    • Frank on November 25, 2017 at 8:46 pm
    • Reply

    What’s your schedule? I’d like to place a call next week!

    • Bryson on November 7, 2020 at 7:55 pm
    • Reply

    I will punish you

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