Sex Shop

Cum slut phone sex Master took me to a sex shop yesterday. He was giving my holes out for cheap. $5.00 for my mouth. $10.00 for my cunt and $15 for my ass. No condoms needed. Master says with prices that low I should get a lot of cock. When we got the shop we went straight in back and I disrobed. I got on my knees like Master said. Then Master Put the sign out on the door with the prices of my holes listed. Master walked back in and behind him were 2 guys right off the bat. They both took out their cocks in front of me and tried to shove both cocks in my mouth at once. I was swapping between the 2 cocks. Slobbering and moaning on both cocks. Mmm. Others were walking in handing money off to Master. Some waited for a specific hole, others just went to any open hole. I was there for hours. And I lost count after 34 cocks. But I went home full of cum leaking out of my ass and cunt. And my tummy full of that yummy cum.

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