Sexy Bondage Roll Play

sexy bondage robynHe rented me for the day fair and square. Master has another submissive bitch he is training today any way.

He gave me a sexy little out fit and told me I was an FBI agent. i would break into your house to look for and recover a flash drive. Those are the only instructions I was given with the clothes in the pool house.

I had no idea where to look for this flash drive, What the lay out of the house is. If I will have to avoid people in the house. If there are cameras and where they are. If I am supposed to resist if I get caught or if I am supposed to be a good submissive and wave the proverbial white flag.

I stand there for several minutes not sure if I should just go or not, my stomach in knots. Finally I throw caution to the wind and head toward the house.

I sneak inside and begin my search. this is nerve racking not  knowing what is around the next corner or what to expect.

Then out of no where there he was. He grabbed me from behind, arm around my neck hand over my mouth, dragging me across the floor. He shoved me down on my knees and made me intertwine and lock my fingers behind my head.

He had captured me and now he could do anything he wanted to me. Walking around me and surveying the situation. i could see the wheels turning in his head as he took the cuffs from my waste and clicked them on to my wrists. He grabbed them and dragged me down some stairs into a sex room like none I have ever seen. I was blind folded in an instant and he began his sexy bondage game.

It wasn’t rough and it wasn’t painful but it was very erotic and he was in complete control.

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