Tag: Bondage whore

Submissive whore mommy Jessica

submissive whore

Submissive whore mommy Jessica is patiently waiting for Daddy to get home. I’ve been a naughty slut and word got back to Daddy that I was sucking dick without his permission. I know that I’m going to be punished when he gets home and I have to admit that although it turns me on, it’s so humiliating when he punishes me. It’s embarrassing when he bends me over his knee and spanks me like I’m a little girl. I try not to let Daddy see me crying but the sting of his hand across my bare ass brings tears to my eyes with every strike. He knows that and he makes sure that I can feel how powerful and strong he is through his blows across my ass. He keeps me on the verge of tears but brings me right back by rubbing my little pussy and teasing me. It’s humiliating when he makes me stand in the corner with my back to him after he spanks me. He strokes his big, hard cock and comments on the bright red hand prints across my skin. He always asks if I’ve learned my lesson yet and the answer is always “yes sir” even though we both know that he’ll have to continue to punish me the entire time that he owns me. This time, Daddy knew that a spanking was just the start of the punishment that I deserved. He stood me in the corner after he spanked me and scolded me for a while. Then, he made me bend over and grab my ankles. I thought that he would just beat my ass with his thick, leather belt like he usually does but instead, he shoved his rock hard dick into my ass and started force fucking me with no lube or anything. I knew better than to cry or scream but it really hurt the way he reamed my dry asshole. My hole prolapsed around his huge dick but Daddy didn’t give a fuck. His only goals were to punish me and to shoot his load so he kept thrusting in and out until he did. He busted his load and then made me lick him clean before standing me back in the corner to think more about what I had done. 

Jacqueline Becomes A Hot Submissive Slut For Her Masters

I loved being a submissive whore this weekend more than everl! ASubmissive whores I lay spread eagle on the cold concrete floor of the abandoned warehouse, my heart raced with anticipation. Dominic approached me slowly, his eyes burning with desire as he ran his rough hands over my body. He tied my wrists tightly to the metal rings embedded in the ground, pulling them up above my head until they were stretched taut. The rope bit into my skin but I didn’t care; all that mattered was feeling him inside me again.

He stood back for a moment, taking in every inch of me exposed and vulnerable before him. His gaze lingered on my breasts which jutted out from their restraints begging for attention. With a smirk playing at his lips, he reached down and pinched one nipple hard causing it to ache with pleasure-pain mixed together perfectly . “You’re so fucking beautiful when you beg,” he growled low in his throat making sure everyone knew who belonged where at this moment .

Without further ado ,he knelt between my legs teasingly running his tongue along wet slit causing me shudder uncontrollably underneath him . His fingers found their way inside me once more preparing me for what was about come next while continuing oral assault driving both of us wild with passion . Just when think couldn’t take anymore ,he positioned himself at entrance pushing slowly yet firmly inside filling every corner inside once again claiming what rightfully belonged only him alone .

As he began thrusting harder faster deeper into pussy ,I arched back against restraints moan ing loudly feeling every inch of him stretching me out completely . The sound of our skin slapping together mixed with heavy breaths filled the air around us creating an erotic symphony only meant for each other’s ears alone .

With one hand gripping onto my hip firmly ,he reached around grabbing hold fistful hair pulling back head forcing me to look into his eyes as he took control both physically emotionally pushing boundaries further than ever before . His hips slammed against mine relentlessly driving both closer towards climax neither wanting let go until finally reaching peak simultaneously screaming each other’s names as waves pleasure washed over them leaving them spent but wanting more still.

Extreme Bondage Makes Me Want To Squirt

I love being tied up and completely submitting to your will. I love when you tie me spread eagle to the bed with my pussy all on display. I love wondering if what awaits me will be pleasure or pain. My pussy lips are spread as far as they can go and you tease my wet pussy with the handle of a whip. Are you going to fuck me with it and bring me the sweet relief I crave or are you going to crack it right on my pussy and make me squeal in a mix of pleasure and pain? The whip comes down on my wet bald pussy and I immediately feel a mix of pleasure and pain. The whip keeps coming down without a rest and suddenly I cum hard. I love pleasing my master and I am so grateful he let me cum tonight.

bondage and submission

Bondage Whore Bernice Sometimes Regrets Being a Rope Bunny

bondage whoreMost days, I want to be a bondage whore. However, then there are days like yesterday I wish that I had never told anyone that I enjoy being a rope bunny. My master could be considered an expert at tying women up. He has been a rope master since I was in diapers. But as he ages, his strength dissipates. So, sometimes he uses surrogates to tie me up. And some of them, like his friend Alex, get extremely rough with me. And men like that make me regret being a rope bunny.

Master summoned me to the club last night. His friend needed a slave to practice his rope skills on. My master often takes younger men under his wing and helps them be dominant slave owners. Alex clerked for a friend of his, and they became friendly. Perhaps, master saw potential in him. He has an eye for natural domes. Just like he has an eye for submissive sex slaves.

The Life of Submissive Slaves Gets Painful Sometimes

Alex used me to practice his rope skills. From a simple hogtie to a more complicated reverse prayer tie, Alex used me as his practice doll. But Alex tied me up too well. Perhaps, master spoiled me by never binding me too tightly. And I don’t know if that’s because of his age or if he just never wanted to inflict pain. But Alex did not care about my comfort level. And I suppose most men do not.

The reverse prayer tie almost dislocated my shoulder. Master could see me crying, grimacing in pain. However, he never stopped Alex. He let him run the show. And he just sat back and masturbated. Today, my arm is in a sling. Plus, I have rope burns all over my body. And I can barely move. The life of a submissive whore can be dangerous.

Submissive sex chat with Nurse Robyn bound and gagged

 Submissive sex chatSubmissive sex chat with Nurse Robyn, bound and gagged for your pleasures! As a Home health aid to my father-in-law, I must always be in full uniform, and it must be sexy as fuck for him. I am doing my duty as his daughter-in-law and slave to my husband. I make his last years as comfortable as I can with nice long hot sponge baths, masturbation sessions and sensual massages.  He enjoys my submissiveness and I love pleasing him.

Big old daddy meat always leaves me with a little treat when he is done. I’m ever so grateful to be able to take care of his nice big father cock. This man is a monster, I tell you, his dick hangs so far down when I am sponge bathing him that I’m scared to see it grow some days. But like clock work every day at noon it springs up like a mighty oak! 

Submissive sex chat wife serves father in laws cock in home health! 

But Life happened today and I snuck out during his nap to go pick my son up from his friends house, and I missed the great noon rising of my father-in-law’s cock! The first thing he did was call my husband and demand that I be punished for not draining him like a good slave slut nurse aid.

When I rushed back, my husband was waiting for me with my ball gag and restraints. This Bondage whore is in trouble and will be taking her father-in-law’s old cock and her husband’s cock until they are both happy I have been filled enough. I’m sure the floggers and whips are coming out to grace my sweet Slave whore flesh as well!

Submissive slut mommy Jessica

submissive slut

I woke up with my son on top of me again, telling me that I was a good, submissive slut mommy and that he was about to use my worthless fuck hole. There was nothing I could do because he already had my wrists tied above my head and my legs held open with a spreader bar and ankle cuffs. I’ve been owned by him for years so this scene was nothing new to me. I tried to put my mind anywhere else, so as not to get wet and excited because I knew that he would punish me for it. I couldn’t help it though. The way he was sucking on my big, milky mommy tits, stroking his dick and rubbing the head against my clit at the same time felt so fucking good! I faked a few soft whimpers so that he would think that he was fucking me against my will but I think we both knew better. Once he started ramming his dick in me, my pussy started gushing so much that I could hear the wet, sloppy sounds of my cunt taking it. I couldn’t hold back any longer and started moaning loud as fuck. He clamped his hand tightly over my mouth, told me to shut the fuck up and kept thrusting. I felt his dick pulsing and the sudden rush of warm jizz being shot deep in my cunt. He left me there tied to the bed with cum pouring out of my cunt and he left the room. I could hear him on the phone in the next room over, telling someone our address. A few minutes later a man that I’ve never seen before walked into the room. Give sub slut mommy Jessica a call. I’ll tell you how my son left me there, tied up all day long and sold my pussy, mouth and asshole to a bunch of strange men back to back.

Sexy Bondage Slut Jacqueline Loves Being Dominant

sexy bondageSexy Bondage is what you love you tell me as I squirm in anticipation, wishing for more as you continue to torment me. The ball gag muffles my pleas for mercy and makes it impossible to beg for release, only adding to my arousal. My nipples are already hard from your touch earlier and the clamps bite into them, causing a sting that mixes with the pleasure coursing through my body.

As you tie me up tighter with ropes and chains, I feel both helpless and incredibly turned on by your dominance. Every time you strike my sensitive flesh with the flogger, I arch my back in response, unable to control myself despite knowing how vulnerable I am in this position. My pussy is soaking wet now and throbbing with need as I wait for what comes next.

Please don’t stop…I think but dare not say aloud due to the gag between us; instead letting out another soft moan that echoes around our intimate space filled only by our breaths heavy from desire,

I feel your fingers teasing at the entrance of my cunt, spreading my wetness around before slipping inside me slowly. You fill me up with one finger then two, stretching me as you prepare for what’s to come next. The sensation is overwhelmingly hot and I can’t help but buck against your hand despite being restrained by ropes and chains.

You remove your fingers only to replace them with something larger – a vibrator perhaps? It feels enormous inside me as it begins to thrust in time with each stroke from the flogger across my sensitive skin . My hips jerk involuntarily trying desperately reach for more friction against whatever object might be causing this incredible pleasure deep within myself .

The combination of pain , pleasure , submission ,and anticipation are too much; soon enough an orgasm builds within me uncontrollably until finally crashing over like waves upon shoreside rocks leaving behind nothing but pure blissful exhaustion mixed with satisfaction.

Submissive Whore Jacqueline and All Her Bondage Fun

Submissive whoreI’m a slutty little submisssive whore who loves the feeling of being bound, gagged, and completely at the mercy of my Master. The anticipation of not knowing what’s coming next is enough to make my pussy wet with excitement. When he finally enters the room, I can feel his presence wash over me like a tidal wave. He grabs me roughly by the hair and drags me to where he wants me – on all fours with my ass sticking out invitingly.

He ties my wrists securely behind my back so that I am completely helpless as he begins to tease me with different implements of pleasure and pain. First comes the ball gag in my mouth; it muffles my cries but doesn’t stop them from escaping as he runs his rough hands over every inch of exposed skin on my body. Then come the nipple clamps – cold metal pinching at sensitive nerves sending shockwaves through every fiber of being until they are pulled tight enough that they hurt but not too much for him to enjoy seeing how red they make me turn under his touch.

As if that weren’t enough torment already, there’s also a flogger waiting for its chance at work its magic on this submissive slut’s flesh – each strike stings yet leaves an intoxicating burn that only serves as fuel for our twisted passion play unfolding before us both . With each swat against bare skin comes another moan from deep within; echoing off walls like desperate pleas for more punishment rather than release from it.

Finally, after what feels like hours (but could only have been minutes), he positions himself behind me and begins to thrust into my tight little hole without warning or mercy. It hurts so good! The pain from the previous torments mixes with this newfound pleasure as he takes me roughly from behind – claiming ownership over every inch of my body with each powerful stroke inside me.

The Brunette’s Bondage: A Nasty Narrative


As a brunette beauty, I exude a different kind of allure, a dark and mysterious charm that beckons dominate males. My hair is a beacon, attracting the most sadistic of masters. I’m not just a possession—I’m an obsession.My current owner is no different. He found me, a stray ready to be tamed, and put a collar around my neck. To the world, I’m a submissive slave, but to him, I’m his prized possession, his personal whore.

I’m often left bound and gagged, awaiting his return. The click of his boots signals my reward, and IArch my back in anticipation. He relishes in my helplessness, taking advantage of my vulnerable state.His hands explore my body, and his lips leave marks where they touch. I’m his canvas, and he’s the artist, painting me with bruises and bite marks. The pain is a symphony, a precursor to the main event.

He pulls my hair, forcing my head back as he thrusts his thick, pulsing cock down my throat. I gag, but he doesn’t care, using my mouth as his personal playground. My eyes water, but the tears only add to his pleasure. The brunette in me emerges as I take his abuse, craving more. I’m a nasty little slut, and I love it when he treats me like one. My pussy drips with anticipation, and my ass twitches, eager for his invasion.

Cock worshiping captive for sale, buy me and make me suffer

Cock worshiping

Cock-worshiping captive, Breanne, here to tell you all about my current predicament as a hot bondage slave up for sale. That’s right, I’ve gotten myself into a bit of trouble, and now I’m offering myself up to the highest bidder to do with as they please. But before we get into the dirty details, let me give you a little taste of who I am and what makes me such a delicious treat for all you kinky motherfuckers out there.

First of all, I’m a certified nymphomaniac with a lust for cock that knows no bounds. I’ve always had a thing for bondage and domination, and I love nothing more than being tied up, gagged, and at the mercy of a big, strong man who knows how to handle a bitch like me.

I guess you could say I got a little too cocky (pun intended) and found myself in over my head. I was exploring an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, looking for a new place to play out my wildest fantasies, when I stumbled upon a group of men who had some interesting ideas about how to use a girl like me. Before I knew it, I was bound, gagged, and at their mercy, and they decided to put me up for sale to the highest bidder.

I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and the fear that comes from being used and abused by a bunch of horny strangers really makes me wet.  I figure this is the perfect opportunity to find a new Master who can truly satisfy my insatiable appetite for cock and punishment.

I need to be a Bondage whore slave to a Master. It’s really the only thing I am good at, just being a total cock whore. I can deepthroat for hours and can take a pounding like a champion. I also have a bit of a fetish for public humiliation, and I love the idea of being paraded around in front of a crowd of strangers, completely naked and at the mercy of my Master’s whims.

But that’s not all I’m willing to do. I’m also a total pain slut, and I love the feeling of a good, hard spanking. I have a collection of toys and instruments of torture that I’m more than willing to share with my new Master, and I’m always up for a good flogging or caning. I love the feeling of being pushed to my limits and beyond.

Let me be your guinea pig, Sir! Be the sadistic motherfucker you want to be with me! I will submit to your every whim, no matter how dirty you want to be. So, what are you waiting for? Place your bid and make me your very own Hardcore bondage bitch!