Sexy phone sex with my master

sexy phone sex

My master was bored one afternoon in the office and decided to play a little game with me.
He told me to get on his big wooden desk, naked of course and he then pulled out a box of safety pins. He grabbed my breasts with his hands and began licking them and sucking on them as hard as he could until I cried out loud to stop! So he grabbed two safety pins and pierced both nipples.

He explained that I must endure the pain with out making it a deal or I get punished. So I nodded my head and obeyed my master. He grabbed me by the face and began kissing me softly, I didn’t mind it at first until he bit my lower lip. Digging his teeth deep into my lip making it bleed uncontrollably, I cried with tears struggling to push my master away as he laughed wiping the blood of his lips. He then grabbed me again this time forcing eight safety pins into my lips until I could no longer open nor close my mouth.

I was really worried about what he was going to do next since there was six more safety pins left. I was then told to spread my legs open allowing my pussy to be eaten. I shook with fear since I already knew this was going to be bad. My master began licking my clit then down my Labia. I felt his warm tongue lick up my wet bald cunt. His tongue began swirling around in circles licking up in my insides. It felt incredible so I pushed his head down begging for more or trying to since my mouth was closed shut.

My master then bit my labia hard, trying to keep my mind of the pain I began thinking about my nipples then my lip but he just bit down harder and harder until I had no choice but to scream. I guess I should learn to please my master better so that way I won’t have six safety pins closing up my labia. It hurts great being my masters little submissive whore.

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