Spanking Phone Sex Punishment for Girls Who Like to Be Spanked

spanking phone sexSpanking phone sex makes my pussy so wet. I love the feel of a bare hand smacking my big round ass. Girls who like to be spanked like me, don’t care what you use on our bare bottoms either. My master likes to switch it up. His favorite to use on me is his hand. He has a strong, firm hand that really leaves a mark. Stings for days. He can leave welts with his hands, make my ass turn bright red.

girls who like to be spankedSometimes, however, I am a bad girl who needs punished with something harsher than a hand like this morning. I was 8 minutes late bringing my boss his coffee, which I pick up at Starbucks every morning on my way into work like a good submissive whore. Master bent me over his knees, pulled my panties down and used his fraternity paddle on me for 8 minutes. You would think 8 minutes isn’t long but when a freakishly strong and angry man paddles your ass with a big wooden paddle for 8 minutes, it feels like 8 hours.

submissive whoreMy ass is black and blue. I cannot sit. I have welts forming. There are splinters in my ass. Parts of my bare bottom are rare looking, like raw meat. The pain is awful. Every time I move my ass hurts. But, that is the price I pay for being late with coffee. I need to wake up earlier to compensate for traffic issues. I am just grateful he didn’t break any bones this time.

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