Submissive Phone Sex with Mommy

submissive phone sexDo you like submissive phone sex?  That is all I do. My life is 24/7 submissive.  I have not been expose to much extreme  BDSM, humiliation or torture. Why? Because I am older and have been with an old school master for decades. Think Madmen. Think 50 Shades of Gray. I am the kind of woman who knows her place. I bring you your coffee, your slippers, your drink… I do all your cooking and cleaning. You get to fuck me when you want and how you want. In my generation, women were subservient to men and their elders. It is so foreign to me that younger men want to dominate me. And dominate me in extreme ways. Same with guys of all ages on the phone. I see a trend of extreme pain and degradation being inflicted on women. I don’t know if it is misogyny, revenge, anger or a little of all three. It scares me as I search for a new master. I have had guys on the phone ask why be a submissive whore if I don’t like the way the modern dominant man treats his submissive pet? Because I don’t know how to survive in this word without a man to take care of me. I went from daddy to my husband to my boss/master. All three men owned me. All three men provided for me financially. I don’t go from dominant relationship to the next. I have had a series of 3 long term master servant relationships so it is all I know. I think I have decided my son needs to be my new master. Sure he is young, and quite capricious, but I think it is hot to be owned by a member of your own family. Think about it. Wouldn’t you have loved to force fuck your mother whenever you wanted? Share her with your friends? Pimp her out for money? And humiliate and degrade her? Maybe you can help prepare me for a world of being my son’s submissive milf phone sex slut?

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