Submissive Whore Tit Torture

submissive whoreSubmissive whore torture for me is having my big breasts tied up. Master never just ties up my boobs, however. I was not alone. He had his other slaves tied up too. I thought our boobs were bound for cum. Master is found of bukkake parties. Before the cum came he said, we needed to experience some pain. That could have meant anything to him. What it ended up meaning in that moment was hot wax nipple torture. He thinks hot white wax looks like dried cum and hot red wax looks like dried blood. He poured hot white wax all over my big boobs. It hurts intensely for a few moments, but then it cools off. Hours of this however, is the stuff torture phone sex nightmares are made of. My boobs were on fire. I was starting to blister in sensitive places. I cried, but he smacked me. His other slaves were not fairing as well as me, and I was barely keeping my shit together. After he was done with the torture part of our encounter, he brought in several friends. They circle jerked on our sore boobs. The hot jizz he said would act as salve to heal the blistering skin. It only stung more. But we weren’t there for our pleasure. We were there for his. Just like when you call me, I am there for your pleasure only.

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