Submissive Whore: What are Your Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

submissive whoreSubmissive whore Bernice is should be my legal name. No last name, because I belong to which ever man I am with at the moment. My current long term master is in his 60s. He is winding down on the S and M games. He was always more old school domination anyway. Actually, the men today are a completely different breed and it scares me. Master respected my code words. He never scarred me, or put me in any real danger, but the men I meet online and at fetish clubs make him look like a Disney character. Over the weekend, I tried this new bondage club in Cincinnati. I had to drive a few hours, so I booked a hotel room for the weekend. It is a high end bondage club, invite only. I felt so honored to get a golden ticket to this place that it never occurred to me that it would not be as upscale as it seemed.

rape phone sex fantasiesWhen I arrived, it looked nothing like the pictures. This was just a big warehouse; pretty much a dungeon. There were other women there too looking equally perplexed.  We were rushed by a group of men. It became clear this was no bondage club. This was a rape fantasy club. We were hand selected because we fit the image that the men paying top dollar fantasized about force fucking. I knew none of the men I could see. I was shoved down on the cold concrete slab, bound and gagged with my own undergarments. I looked to both sides and saw other women like me being brutalized by unknown men. I’ve heard of BDSM clubs, even pain clubs, but never rape fantasy clubs. I spent 3 days in a basement being force fucked in all my holes. I had to use a bucket for a toilet. I was denied food and water. I slept on the concrete floor like a dog chained up in a junkyard. After three days, my ass was prolapsed. I smelled awful. I had lost some weight. I was a hot mess. I was turned out on the street disoriented and lost.  I had been used for three days to satisfy some stranger’s dark fantasies. If you had me for three days, what would you do to me?

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