Submissive Whore with Rape Fantasies? Yes Please!

submissive whore

I like to be punished. Like I am actually into it. I trust my dominant to respect my limits, although I have none. I stated on one of my submissive whore forums that I wanted someone to force fuck all of my pretty little holes. Not only did I want to be against it, I wanted it to be a complete surprise, to be real, to be a little bad slut and be punished for fighting back. One of the BDSM phone sex guys responded right away letting me know that my rape fantasy would be met, and I would not know when it was coming. Three days later when I was grabbed and thrown into the back of an RV my Brain was terrified, heart excited and my cunt was wet.
He tied me up and threw me into the under seat storage. I could feel the RV driving. When he pulled me out I was immediately bagged and pulled from the RV. I could hear what sounded like a heavy metal door, and a lot of male voices. That was it, my brain could not take anymore and my feet decided they were out of there! Right as I went to run I felt my legs swept out from under me and I hit the floor hard onto my belly. My legs were pulled apart and lifted into the air. A dick shoved its way into my mouth through the bag. He thrusted a few times before the friction of the cotton forced him to remove it completely.

bdsm phone sex
I felt a sudden sting in my rectum as my ass hole was forcefully intruded. The fucker was not even nice enough to use lube. I could not really see anything, someone was poorly holding a flashlight but other than that it was really fucking dark. The cock was removed from my mouth long enough for me to let out a scream. My face was then covered and then slapped hard. A cock was shoved into my mouth again. This one was different, bigger, I gagged and puked up that morning’s smoothie. I gagged again at the taste of my own vomit as my face was ponded like they had no cares for my breathing. He held my nostrils shut and slapped me across the face with his dick still in my mouth.
My concentration on him was interrupted when I was flipped over to ride my anal intruder. I could not see but a second dick pushed its way into my pussy. I whimpered and tried to push him off. My shirt was ripped down the front and then I could feel hot clamps on my nipples. They used them to dictate how hard I plopped onto their rods. The other two dicks alternated moth violations until they all four edged to the point of cumming. It was then that I felt bucket loads of cum cover my face. The lights came on and it was him, the guy met his promises and then some. Holy Fucking Fun!

Rape phone sex fantasies

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