2 girl phone sex Mud wrestling

2 girl phone sex

 So I was hanging out with Bernice, she offered to teach me some things that would be pleasing to my masters. If you do not already know this about her- she is a legend and she is making me her little skanky dumb pathetic protégé. I did so good today with my lessons, I took piss all over my worthless face and in my eyes until they burned, I ate her shit hole out until she had no more shit in her intestines, I took her son’s tying me up like a fuck pig, and took bashes to the face for not saying the correct degrading terminology when referring to myself. We had a great time, so she invited me to hangout with one of her masters.

I tagged along with her and we ended up on a farm. When she introduced me to her master, they looked at one another and started to laugh. Her master thought it was hilarious that I was such a pathetic cunt and how eager I was willing to do anything to keep up and please them. I was a dumb joke to them.

Before I knew it her master grabbed me by my hair and dragged me across his lot. I started to smell such a disgusting foul smell. It smelt like shit, mud, and more shit. Before I could see where we ended up, due to him giving me whip lash yanking me by my hair everywhere, I was thrown into a pit. I felt wet ooey gooey mud and shit all over me, and I heard Bernice’s signature sound all around me. Oink, Oink, Oink. How ironic, right? We are both fuck pigs.

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Bernice all of the sudden takes her clothes off and jumps in the fecie covered mud with me and starts beating the shit out of me. We roll around getting shit in our mouths, and in every crevasse that you can imagine. We listen for her master to bark commands out at us. We are wrestling with our tits going everywhere and we are getting completely painted in shit and mud. Hair grabbing, biting, decking in the face- nothing is off limits. Her master is getting more pleased with the more dirtier we get. We call one another names. Master finally tells us nasty cum eating whores to get the fuck out of the mud and to quit acting like dumb pathetic pieces of shit.

We obey and he tells us he needs us to lay on the ground on our tummies. He takes rope and ties us up making sure our holes are exposed and at the same time making sure we can not move anything. He takes his dick out and hoses us off with his piss. “You think you girls wrestled good in the mud?”

Bernice replies with a “yes master, we wrested good in the mud.” He nodded and told us to tell him how pathetic we are and what dumb cunts we are. He told us to beg for his cum since we must be hungry. He came on our faces and on the grass right in front of us. “Come on you dumb fuck pigs, be good little cum eating whores and eat that cum up off the ground.”

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