Bare Bottom Spankings at Work

bare bottom spankingsBare bottom spankings make my pussy wet. I am not permitted to wear underwear at the office. I must wear garters that frame y bare ass and skirts. Anytime my Master wants to spank or caress my ass, he has easy access.  Yesterday, he gave my ass to a colleague. I have no say in who abuses me. I am property and property can be lent or given freely in this country. Even sold. Master is a lawyer, he knows these things. This colleague of his has a spanking fetish. He loves women’s asses, so for his lunch break, my ass belonged to him. I was over his knee for a good solid hour while he put his bare hand firmly on my round ass. If I yelped or made a sound, I got the cattle prod to my clit. When a 6’5 man spanks your bare ass, it is extremely difficult not to yelp. I received more than a few shocks to my clit. I even pissed myself a few times. Technically, I pissed the man’s leg, which he was not happy about. He fucked my ass, then rammed the cattle prod up my ass making me shit myself too. He grabbed me by my hair, pushed my face in my shit and made me clean up my own mess. I ate my own shit for lunch. Such is the life of a submissive whore.

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