Bare Bottom Spankings for the Office Whore

bare bottom spankingsSometimes a woman deserves bare bottom spankings. Other times she just wants them.  I was begging for trouble yesterday when I went into the office. I am in the office once or twice a week, and I am about to have two weeks off for the holidays. I know I will miss my master, but I will have you guys to keep me in line. Spanking my own ass, however, is not the same as some one else spanking your ass. You know what I mean? I know how to push my master’s buttons. I can get punished if I want punished. I guess I was thinking I needed some ass smacking before I go on my winter break. No one in my house is going to spank me or tie me up. I knew it was risky baiting my master now that he is on these new meds. His arthritis is not the issue it once was which means my ass could end up so sore that I cannot sit right. I was not sure what to expect. He has never hurt me, but lately, since he began these new meds, he has been kinkier than in the past. I love being his submissive whore, but he is not as gentle as he once was. When he came into work, I did not have everything ready on his desk like he wants. I rarely fuck it up, so I was not sure he would believe it was on accident or not. He summoned me into his office. He called me names first. Told me I was incompetent. I do not let that get to me though. He had me pull down my panties. I was in front of him just in my garter belt. I bent over the desk as instructed and he gave me the belt. I was crying. I have never cried from spanking phone sex with him before. That is because he has never spanked me that hard. I guess his arthritis really prevented me from knowing just what kind of damage he could do to my ass. I asked for it. I got it. Got more than I bargained for too. Now, I will be sitting on an ice pack for days. Be careful what you ask for.

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