Bondage and Submission Whore

bondage and submissionBondage and submission are what I do best. I miss being tied up. I can bind my feet and my tits. Sometimes I can get my hands tied behind my back, but not tightly enough that I can not get loose. Bondage clubs are still closed in my state, but it is getting easier to get someone to come over. My master has not summoned me back to work yet, so I can still feed my need for bondage with Tinder encounters. It is just that master cannot know or things will get ugly for me quickly. He is very picky about who handles his bitch. Tony is not a BDSM master. He is just a kinky guy who likes to experiment. When he came over last night, he was surprised to see that I was who I claimed to be. I had not cat fished him. He found me attractive and in good shape. He thought only nasty old whores or strung out bitches would fuck a random stranger off a phone app. I told him that I was a submissive whore. I needed more than I was getting and more than I could give to myself. We talked for a while, then I broke out my treasure chest of BDSM goodies. He had to Google what some of the things were, but he was aroused at the thought of me being his captive slave. He tied me up. Tied me up great for a novice. I have rope burns. I have cum stains on my ropes too. He was jizzing all over my bound body.  I have cum matted in my hair and dried cum all over my body. I even have some whip marks on my back. For a novice, I think Tony missed his calling. He was harsher on me than my own master. I think I woke him.

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