Bondage Phone Sex Whore Needs Tossed Out Like Garbage

bondage phone sexBondage phone sex is for worthless old whores like me. I deserve to be tied up and gagged. In my world, there are no safe words, no relationships built on trust. I want to not know if you are going to tie me so tight my circulation is cut off. I don’t want to know if you will ever remove my restraints. I personally do not care what you do to me. Tie me up and hang me upside down so I can be your punching bag. Tie me to the trunk of your car and take me four wheeling like I am a dead dear.

submissive slutWhile I am hog tied, force fuck my holes for days. Fill me up with so much cum I could drown in it. Kick me in the gut and make me gag on my own puke. Piss down my throat marking your turf like a dog. Sit on my face and take a huge shit so I know what a piece of shit I really am. And when you are done having your fun with me, take me out to the dumpster and toss me out with the trash. I am a submissive slut. I live to be used, abused, humiliated and tossed out like yesterday’s garbage when you are done. Are you man enough to hurt a bitch?

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