Bondage Whore at Work

bondage whore

I am a bondage whore. No matter who I am with, he always wants to tie me up. That doesn’t matter so much at home, but at the office it makes it difficult to do my job. My boss was in a foul mood Friday. I still don’t know what he was pissed about, but I felt his wrath. Before I could tackle my work, he came into my office and slapped me. He was pissed his coffee was lukewarm. It would have been the right temperature if he had been on time, but I knew better than to tell him that. He is such a prick. For the minor mishap of lukewarm coffee, he ripped my blouse off and bound my chest. Not only did he tie up my tits, but he also tied me to the chair. My arms were bound to the arms of the chair. It was difficult to move, let alone type, but he gave me a pile of work and a deadline. If I thought this was bad, it would be nothing compared to what would have happened if I missed the deadline. Sometimes, I think he sets me up to fail just so he can justify being rougher on me. I failed to get the work done by 3 pm. I had to type with a pen in my mouth. When I can’t use my hands, it makes it hard to type 60 words per minute. When I failed to get the work done on time, he shoved his cock down my throat. I am good at cock worshiping but this was skull fucking. Intense, rough oral that left me struggling to breathe. That was followed by fisting my ass without any lubrication. By the time he was done, my jaw was sore, my ass was bleeding and my tits had rope burns. Just another day at the office.

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