Bondage Whore Bernice Likes To be Tied Up and Snuggle During the Winter Months

bondage whore

It is winter and that is cuddling season even for a bondage whore like me. My master is on this new arthritis drug, and he is suddenly like one of those old men in the movie Cocoon. He can tie a knot better than a 20 something year old sailor.  He rarely comes to my house. That is because he is married, and his wife has never discovered our real relationship in the almost 20 years that we have been master and slave. Now that he is feeling spry again, he told his wife he was going out of town to golf with his buddies. It was just an excuse to spend the night with his slave.

bondage whoreI was happy to have him over, but I was nervous. We have not spent a night together in over a decade. Last time was when he was still traveling for cases, and we had to go to New York City for a deposition. I remember it though like it was yesterday. We got snowed in and did a lot of cuddling by the fire in the hotel room. We had to stay a few extra days because the airport was shut down from the snow. I may be my master’s bondage whore and sex slave, but he is a romantic with real feelings for his subby whore. He loves to cuddle. He loves to spoon. I am here for him. Whatever he wants to do to me from the abusive to the romantic, I will always obey my master.

bondage whoreThe first thing he did when he arrived was tie me up. He has been making up for lost time now that his hands are not all shriveled up. He tied me up in blue BDSM rope. It was a pretty color, but he had me so tight I could barely move. He made me suck his old dick while I was bound like a side of beef. Once he dumped his old seed in my mouth, he got nostalgic for that time when we cuddled in NYC during a snowstorm. I love that memory. We live in California, so we do not get snow, but I do have a fireplace. He started up the fireplace while I was still bound like a good bondage whore. I could not cuddle back. He snuggled up to me on the couch while we pretended to be snowbound again. He made me worship is old ass and cock some more while we snuggled on the couch. I spent the entire night tied up next to him. I have ligature marks and some broken skin from the tight knots. My master is definitely back in action.

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