Bondage Whore for You, My Master and All of Master’s Clients Too

bondage whoreIt is no secret that I am a bondage whore. I knew all my callers knew it. I also knew that master and his cronies knew it, but I did not know master’s clients knew it too. At least some of them that is. I was in the office alone Wednesday typing files. Master was arriving later, but I got up early to get everything prepared for his client meeting. When I heard the door, I assumed it was master. It was the group of clients he was meeting with later. When they arrived, I explained that the meeting was later that afternoon. The look on their faces told me that they were not there for the meeting. They wanted to have some fun with their attorney’s submissive whore. I was not prepared for this. Master does not like me to fuck men without his permission. But he also wants me to keep his clients happy. I was in a conundrum.

I decided to please the clients by being obedient. There were 4 of them and one of me anyway. Even if I had been less willing, they would have taken what they wanted anyway. They tied me to my chair and pushed me around. Shoved me from man to man like we were playing a game of ice hockey and I was the puck. With every shove, I sailed across the room in my chair and into the arms of another guy who was waiting with his cock out for me to do what a whore does best. I was sucking their cocks as best as I could but with all the movement, cock worshiping was challenging. I was getting dizzy. I thought I might puke. I had to do what they wanted though because if master lost this account, and I was to blame, I would be without a job and maybe without a master too. Master arrived and was very pleased to see his clients getting entertained by his office whore. The fun had only just begun though.

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