Creepy Crawly Bondage Chat

Bondage chat

Some of the guys who choose my submissive cunt to control really like scary and creepy bondage chat.  I’m not sure why, but scaring the hell out of their subs is their M.O. and they do a lot of fucked up shit to get the reactions they need to satisfy that weird itch inside of them.  I’m cool with it, though it definitely isn’t my favorite.  I’m not into spooky stuff, I don’t like to be scared.  And I hate spiders.

These assholes always have some sort of creepy crawly critter they use to enhance the experience.  I’ve been ratcheted down to a rack and had my whore holes reamed out as rats ran around the room and crawled all over me, nibbling the tips of my immobilized fingers and toes as my devilish dom did his worst to my downstairs with his big dick.  One guy suspended me in the air with some crazy rope work and let a super long snake slither all over my skin and wrap itself around my neck as he stretched out my sphincter with his fat fuck stick.  It was so cold and scaly that it totally made his throbbing rod feel even warmer as it was wedged deep up in my rectum.  That’s all fine, rats are whatever and snakes are cool with me.  The spiders, though.  I can’t with the spiders, I just can’t.

The worst scary sub moment in my entire submissive life is when I was strapped down spread eagle on the floor and my mischievous master unleashed a pair of hairy ass tarantulas and let them traverse my body as he forced me to have orgasm after screaming orgasm.  He slammed my snatch with his schlong like a living sex machine, held vibrator on my clit and let his eight legged freaks do their dirty work.  When he was done, my submissive whore hole was completely wrecked.  He left me on the floor for a while, filled with cum and partially covered with webbing.  Oh my god, that’s so fucking gross it makes me want to throw up right now! 

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