Erotic submissive stories

Erotic submissive stories

I love being super submissive and sharing our erotic submissive stories. I want to go down to the beach and have you tie me up good. Then we can start new memories and share our new stories. There’re a few trees down on the beach that would be perfect to tie me up to. They are somewhat close to each other, so I think I could fit very well in between them, even if you must stretch out my arms a bit.

                I bring ropes and chains for you to use on me. The two textures put together are such a good match and look very sexy together. I’m completely naked and vulnerable to you with the way you have me attached to these trees. I feel my body get aroused as I’m excited to see and feel what you are going to do to me.

                You find a feather on the beach and run it down my sides. I shake as I’m tickled and my toes curl with pleasure. I really can’t wait to see and feel what you are going to do next.

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