Extreme Bondage

extreme bondage

Master has definitely crossed over to the more extreme side of our bondage play. Tonight he was determined to draw blood from my cunt and he did exactly that. He had acupuncture needles all lined up on a tray when I walked into the room. He demanded that I drop my panties immediately. Knowing my Master I did not hesitate. I seen the look in his eye and I knew he meant serious business. And it did not matter one bit that his pleasure was coming at the cost of my pain. He strapped me down. Restraining my ankles and wrists. Knowing full well that out of reaction I may throw a kick or punch. And that is when the torture began. He pierced my outer lips with a much longer style of a needle. Going along the whole length of my pussy lip on one side. Then he began puncturing my lips in a cris-cross fashion. You can say he laced my pussy shut with these needles. He seem to get very excited at the sight of my blood. Which is almost alarming yet exciting.

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