Extreme Bondage Gets Me Off

Extreme bondage


When you’ve been subbing for a long time like I have, you need some pretty extreme bondage to get off, not just the run of the mill stuff.  I can’t tell you how many times my limbs have been tied or shackled so my master can do whatever he wants to me, whip me and torture me and fuck me as hard as he pleases, and all it did was make my pussy wet.  I mean, it feels good and all, it’s just that simple rope play and common bindings don’t do it for me, anymore.  Maybe I’m a little too far gone.  Who knows?

If you want me to cum when you dominate me, I need to be confined.  Not just held down, not just tethered to something, confined.  Shove me into a tight latex suit that covers me from head to toe to get me going.  If you have a fancy corset you’d like to force me into to give me some flair, please do.  I always want to look nice, even when I’m wrapped up and feeling claustrophobic.  

If you put me into as cramped a position as possible before you start doing whatever you want with my unguarded whore holes then you’re guaranteed to make me have a leg shaking, body quaking orgasm or three.  Once I’m contained, I’m ready to blow and yours for the taking.  It’s cool if you only want to tie me up, you might not be that hardcore.  Lots of dommes are, though.  They’re the ones I love to serve.


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