Golden showers phone sex

Golden showers phone sexI have a filthy secret; I like golden showers phone sex. It turns me on when a man knows how to train a submissive slut and put me in my place. I want you take me out in public and treat me like a golden shower phone sex whore. Tell everyone how good I am at cock worshiping. You do. I get on my knees and suck and worship your cock, as you let out a hot stream of piss into my mouth. It gets all over me. It trickles down my chin, my perky tits, over my belly, and in between my thighs. I’m covered in your hot steamy piss. You think about how you can’t wait to tell your friends about all of your erotic submissive stories, but this one in particular is your favorite. I’m a filthy whore who even gives you rim jobs when you ask. Your new craving is a submissive whore like me who will never say no to being covered in hot sticky piss.

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