Grits and Submission

Submissive slutEveryday I clean Master’s house from top to bottom. I dust, vacuum, and mop all day long until every surface is spotless. But today I forgot to clean underneath the sofa and Master was not happy. He put grits on the floor and made kneel on them. The grits were so painful to my knees. He pulled his cock out and I knew what he wanted, I put it in my mouth and started sucking. I thought if I sucked him off really good he would let me get up. But even after he came in my mouth he made me stay on those grits for another hour. When he finally allowed me to stand my knees were bloody and tears were running down my face. He taught me a lesson that I would never forget and from now on he won’t find a speck of dust anywhere. A clean house makes Master happy and I want to keep him happy.

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