MILF Phone Sex Submissive

milf phone sexMilf phone sex submissives are popular on the phone. I have a theory about that too. I think many boys have some latent lust for their own mothers. Perhaps their mothers are not as naturally submissive as me and rebuff their advances. Or they are too prude to explore their carnal desires for their sons. In some cases, the boys call me to roleplay their mother. I always find mother son calls the hottest because boys are not the only ones who think about incest. I have a teen son. Now, we do not have a traditional mother son relationship. He hates me. He does not approve of my submissive whore lifestyle. He never has approved either even though my master has kept a nice roof over his head, provided him with health insurance and set up a college fund for him too. My son is an angry boy. Full of hate for me. He blames me for all his problems. He is ungrateful for the sacrifices I have made. My daughter is too. She is a total spoiled princess. Both my son and daughter look down on me. But until they graduate high school, they are stuck with me. I do my best to juggle mom duties and submissive bitch duties simultaneously. My master wants me steering away from family fun. He is a lawyer and wants me on the up and up, so I do not taint his reputation. A woman’s loyalty is always to her offspring first. What my master does not know will not hurt him. My son gets in these violent and angry moods often. When he does, I am his punching bag. Last night, he was in such a mood. He was drunk and horny. He came into my bedroom, dragged me out of bed and fucked me. I told him no. I tried to fight. I did fight initially but I went into submissive mommy mode and let him ravage me. I mean if a boy wants to explore his rape phone sex fantasies for his mother, she should allow it. A mommy needs to cater to all her son’s needs.

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