Milf phone sex

Milf phone sexI gave birth to your little shit. Now you don’t use me. You tell me I’m used and abused that you need new tight and young pussy. Well here you go my daughter is ready with a clean little tight pink pussy ready for daddy’s big cock! I want to watch and help you make her our good little blow- up doll. Your little cum dumpster! Lets lay her on bed I’ll spread those cute little fat butt cheeks wide open and spit on her a little bit. Then I will grab that big fat dick of your give it a couple of french kisses. Man I love the taste of your pre-
cum all over that big mushroom head. Then I lick her little pussy making sure it gets nice and wet for daddy. I grab that dick and start sliding it from her clit to her ass till you decide to ram that dick in their really hard.

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