Never Talk To Strangers


Rape phone sex fantasies


I was out for a jog on a new trail and got lost like a total dumb-dumb. Thankfully you were out hunting and came across me. I was so happy to see a face because I had been lost for hours and nightfall was coming. You offered to give me a ride back into town and I gladly accepted because my feet had started to really hurt. Once we got into your van I noticed something was off. You had a bed set up in the back which wasn’t too strange but what really threw me for a loop was that the bed had ropes and chains attached. That’s when I noticed that the handles had been removed from the inside of the doors. You began to explain that you from time to time needed to pick up a new pet. I started crying and begging for you to please let me go but you showed no emotion. I was your whore now and you would do what ever you pleased with me. After a long ride we pulled up at your trailer. Before letting me out of the car you put a collar and leash on me, explaining that as your pet this was my new uniform. You led me inside your home and I saw the evidence of others who had been your tool of perversion before me. You ordered me to the ground and told me to clean your boots with my tongue. I began licking and cleaning as fast as I could but then you shocked me with a stun gun. “Slow down, bitch,” you ordered. I could taste animal scat from your adventures in the woods. Once you deemed your boots clean, you told me to stand up so you could get a good long look at me. You said I was a little too skinny and would need to start drinking bacon grease to fatten up for your ultimate plan for me but that also a good breeding might do the trick. You tied me down to a weird table and started pouring hot candle wax all over my body, getting pure enjoyment from seeing the pain on my face. You then stuffed every single one of my holes including my mouth with giant dildos and left me in the dark overnight to “get some rest” – knowing I’d be unable to sleep from the fear but sleep deprivation is all apart of your plan when it comes to breaking my spirit. Once I finally did fall asleep, you were standing in the room with a few friends explaining they could do whatever they wanted to me. After a beating and fucking, my memory is a little hazy. What other plans do you have for your pet whore now?

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