
I grew up a submissive whore, my Mommy and Daddy made sure of that. I’m the oldest daughter, but I’m still young. I’m the teen you need to serve you, my master. Here to be your pet, your slave, your scandalous little whore. My parents trained me that way, I know that I am nothing but a slut here to serve and please you, and with your permission it is the only thing that makes me cum. I love being told what to do, to be forced to suck cock after cock, and a whole group of guys cumming over my tight teen body… mmm that’s what really turns me on. I will do whatever you want me to do; it’s my only goal in life. From the most taboo thing you can think of, to tying me tight and forcing your cock into all of my holes one by one…you know you own the best submissive whore to serve you.


    • John Brownley on May 29, 2016 at 2:39 am
    • Reply

    Hi my name is John and I’ve been very bad I Molested my ex girlfriend s daughter Brianna when she was young I need to be forced to suck on a lot of cocks swollowing all of there cum please message me back please

    • Curtis on August 18, 2020 at 9:19 pm
    • Reply

    omg you sound like fun

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