New Freezer

I went to go buy a new freezer today and I was greeted by a creepy salesman. I informed him that I needed to get a new freezer because my current one was not functioning properly. He told me that he had some that were on sale in the back and said he would show them to me if I followed him. As we approached the back I could hear him mumbling to himself. I asked him “what was that?” he turned around and said oh nothing with this very odd grin. As we rounded the corner I noticed we were heading down a dingy hallway that smelled damp and a little moldy.

Submissive whore

We stopped in front of this door with a padlock on it and I thought how odd that was but as he opened the big metal door, it creaked open and he ushered me in. It was dark and clammy. I heard the door slam shut and I knew I was in trouble. I felt a hand push me down and I hit something kind of soft but firm like an old mattress laying on the floor. As he pushed me down I could hear him breathing heavy and he whispered harshly if I wanted a discount on the freezer, I would have to earn it. You know what happened next…



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