New Year’s Prostate Phone Sex

prostate phone sex

So, my first caller of the day wanted prostate phone sex. He wanted a good ball draining to start the year on a bang. My master is close to 70. I know how to drain balls. In fact, on Friday he made me milk him dry. He doesn’t cum as much or as fully as he once did.  Sadly, that happens to men as they age. I am a good submissive, so if a man tells me to drain his balls, I drain his balls. I like to think my pussy and ass can do the honors, but I am an old used up whore. I have some weight on me and my pussy needs high mileage oil, so I know I am not tight like a teen gymnast. My old fuck holes can’t drain a man like they use too. My master sat on the edge of his desk chair with his legs up against his chest. I lubed up my finger, so it would slip right in his puckered old asshole. His ass opened up like a flower in bloom to receive my lubed finger. I found his hot button quickly. I always know when I find it because his cock rises to attention without being touched. After awhile of massaging that special spot, he was squirting what seemed like an endless supply of cum to my face. Apparently, I give a great prostate milking because my master made me milk four of his colleagues too. By the time I was done, I was covered in jizz. My master humiliated me when he told his pals that a prostate massage guaranteed them a good cum, but my pussy was too loose to please even a big black cock. So, when my caller requested a prostate massage, I knew just what to do.

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