One in the Oven

Submissive whoreI have been fucked so much lately that my pussy is in a constant state of spasms, even with out a cock in it!

I love pleasing him and seeing his smile while he watches me worship his cock. Kissing it.., clicking his meat..,

sucking it until I am rewarded with a heavy dose of creamy cum!

I don’t even mind when he has his parties and offers me up as the entertainment in a gangbang cock circle. The joy I get from seeing his face light up while my ass is being torn apart by multiple cocks and my face and cunt are fucked until every cum dumpster whole is flooded with dick spit.

But my most favorite is when he keeps me tied on the bed all day while he is at work. He pumps my cunt full of cum and then ties my wrist and ankles together so that it stays deep inside my fuck hole, as if he is marking his territory!

But last week I was late for my period and was concerned that I had a mini slut growing like a weed deep inside my cunt!

i was so scared, not knowing what he would do!

Whose was it? Would he beat me for carrying another man’s brat? Would he raise it and slave train her like he has done with me?

Even if it was his own, I know he would train her to love him and worship him in the same way I have grown to!

But then last night, yet another gangbang and my cunt was pounded so hard and so deep that I started to bleed!

Of course I loved my tight cunt being forced to take as much meat as it can handle and I pushed back with everything I had!

But still, I would love to have part of him growing inside me…a little one that I could train into submission, all for daddy.

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