Punishing the Naughty Submissive Whore

submissive whore

I was tossed onto the ground, rough hands groping my body. I couldn’t see because he had blindfolded me. He pulled up my wrists, which were tied together, and fastened them above my head. He then took my ankles, which were also tied together, and bound them below me. The ties were stretching my arms and legs so far, it felt like they would come out of the sockets. I laid there on display, like a good girl, awaiting my torture. First, a whip cracked against my bare skin, sending a searing pain straight down my spine. Circling my whimpering, quivering body, he continued to deliver lashes that whistled through the air. After he was bored with the whip, he pulled out a cane and whacked me on each breast. I cried out in pain as he repeatedly beat me. When I heard metal jingling around, I got nervous. He was going for the sharp objects. He came back with a corkscrew and twisted it into my side. It felt like a dagger spinning inside me. I screamed as blood squirted from the puncture wound. When he pulled it out, a chunk of my flesh came with it. Master says I was a good little whore and took my punishment.

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