Sexy bondage

Sexy bondage

Sexy bondage is a lot of fun. I think bondage and being tied up in rope is a beautiful work of art. You must be very precise in the way the knots are tied. The relationship between and Dom and a Sub during bondage is such a precious relationship. There must be complete trust between the two. To me, that bond is so sexy.

                Bondage is very erotic, and I love the way the rope feels against my bare skin. The best rope to use is smooth and satiny rope, not rough and frayed rope. It feels amazing against my tits and gets me so wet when it rubs against my tight, bald pussy.

                My favorite position to be in when you have me all tied up is being suspended up in the air. You can spin me around and I’m at the perfect height for those fingers of yours to go deep within my pussy and wiggle them around.

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