Sticky fingers

bondage whore

I have always been destined to be a subby whore. I remember as far back as when I got my first job in a coffee shop I was going to be a slave pet. I was closing the store out and I knew the owner trusted me and would believe me even If my fingers were a little sticky. I was coming up short and needed some extra cash. I knew the old man was never going to suspect me as a little thief. I knew I could get away grabbing some cash. I had needed some more money because it was around the time I was car shopping. I got away with it for a while till one night I was caught red handed. I couldn’t deny it and I knew my boss was furious. He had bee trying to catch me for a while and even fired another employee thinking it was him. I felt bad but knew I needed to do something. I offered up my cock sucking skills but thats not what he wanted. He wanted me to be his bondage whore and wanted to fist my ass till it bled. I couldn’t believe this old man was making me do this. I was his slave for a full year till I paid off with interest every penny I stole.

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