Subby Girl Gang

2 girl phone sex

My master has a ton of friends that think the very same way as he does. Naturally, they all attract submissive girls as girlfriends. When we all hang out together, they like to pin us against each other and make us each fight. We don’t really try to, but it’s a must we have to make each of them happy. They love to see us bloody and bruised and crying our eyes out. We don’t plan on anything but serving our masters. We will get down and dirty and play nasty. They love to see us fuck each other with strap ons and get each other high and drunk and watch as we lose complete control and thank them each because we are slut rags for them. We have to keep our masters satisfied.


























    • Maddox on May 23, 2022 at 6:15 pm
    • Reply

    This kind of girl gang is very appealing to me.

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