Submissive Slut Training

submissive slut

All of my daughters have the same reputation as me – submissive slut. I raised them all right, they know when to fight it, and they know when to be still like a good girl and just take it. I tell them all the time that the biggest part of being a submissive slut is pleasing the man that is using you. They all understand that, minus my youngest she just cries all the time when she is getting fucked. Nothing is wrong with that, I actually get turned on when she cries and my tits start to leak breast milk everywhere. I am one dripping mess hearing the wails of my babies. I love to smack them around, and make them be even bigger whores. I love to teach them new things that they would never learn at school, this is submissive slut training. My daughters all are going to ace these lessons, like it or not! That’s what it is all about – the submissive whores getting what they deserve and learning from it…

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