As a submissive whore, I do what I am told. Sometimes Master pimps me out to others. Maybe he charges a fee or gives me outright as a token of appreciation for something. Last week, I accompanied him to NYC for some business. He gave me for the evening to a business associate. I wanted to ask why and what for, but that is not what a good bitch does. I accepted my uncertain fate.
I was told to be ready at 6 PM sharp and be wearing pink. I was escorted to SCONY, the Spanking Club of New York. The only one of its kind. Apparently, only couples are allowed in, no singletons allowed. My master for the night needed a bare ass to spank. The club was very old school. Based on the principles: Old-fashioned, Platonic, Traditional, Institutional, Loving And Parental discipline. Code words were used and there was even a notice about keeping out creepy behaviors. This place was going to be tame from what I was used to, almost boring. I was wrong.
They had special VIP rooms for privacy. My master for the night had nothing but pink BDSM and spanking gear for me. Told me I was “pretty in pink.” I would soon have a bright pink ass to match the gear. This master is particularly fond of bare bottom spankings, so for two hours straight, I laid across his knees while restrained and gagged so I could not squirm or cry. I wanted to though. That was a lot of spanking. That was nothing to what came next. He had a pink Cat O Nine Tails that wrecked havoc on my ass. So much so, I bled and could not sit. I felt like an American slave, instead of an S and M slave. Large gashes decorated my back side. They will take weeks to heal.
On the airplane trip home, I had to sit on a little tushy cushion, pink of course. And of course, despite my injuries, I was expected to provide my Master with membership in the mile high club. He joked that my ass looked like I tried to fuck Freddy Krueger. It certainly felt that way. Have you ever whipped a woman’s ass raw?