Submissive whore should’ve stayed quiet

I can not believe what an ass my waiter was tonight at the restaurant. He was rude, got our order wrong, decided to neglect his uties and just had a general shitty attitude from the moment we sat dine to dine in his establishment. I told my dinner date that I was highly dissatisfied and we left after a less than satisfactory experience. When my date dropped me off I was shocked to see a familiar face. IT WAS OUR WAiTER!

Submissive whore

My date looks at me and his demeanor has changed, he says “you really should not have insulted my brother” as he grabs me by my hair and drags me into my own apartment with his brother in toe. They spent 5 hours of pure fantasy raping my ass, my pussy and my mouth. I begged for them to stop, I said I am sorry over and over but they just kept fucking my holes. I will watch my mouth next time.

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