2 girl phone sex for my master

2 girl phone sex

What if you had not only one whore to train, but two of us for 2 girl phone sex? Both of us whores like to get down and dirty, and just like me she will never say no. We are submissive dirty whores who like to be told what to do, when, and how to do it. We are both slutty piggy’s who want to be walked around with the use of a leash and collar. We sit on the floor like dirty sluts, and you tell us to spread our legs so you can see what you have to work with. We do. You walk around and look at our disgusting and dirty cum filled cunts. We did a good job for you master. You wanted us to be good cock worshiping whores and that’s exactly what we did in order to satisfy our master. We let so many dirty and filthy men ruin our cunt wholes. Each of them dumped a huge thick load inside of us. You brought all of your friends over and we dressed up in some tiny micro hot pink and neon green bikinis and we served all of your party guests. I got under the table and sucked their cocks while she sat on their laps and rode on their cocks. They got off inside of us and all over us. They even used us for some prostate milking. We stuck our fingers deep in their ass wholes and jerked and sucked on their cocks. We finger banged their asses until they came all over our slutty tits and inside of our mouths.

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