A Submissive Slut Knows How to Say Happy Father’s Day

submissive whoreIf you are a submissive whore, you know that the best thing you can give the daddy in your life for Father’s Day is yourself. Your total self. I’m not talking a fuck here, but giving yourself to a man, mind, body and soul. Men, if you have not had a woman give you total control over her, you need to take it so you can feel how exhilarating it is; trust me, it will make you rock hard. My daddy had total control over me. Every man in my life has total control over me. Father’s Day is an important day for me because all of my Masters are like daddies to me.

bondage whoreA father tells you what to do. A father keeps tabs on you. A father punishes you when you are bad. A father tells you how to behave and dress. A father smothers you with attention. A father controls you. A father watches your every move. Masters do the same thing. So look at a master servant relationship as a father daughter one. You need to protect me from myself and others with tough love. Unconditional love. I know no matter how bad a Master punishes me, it is for my own good. Spare the rod, spoil the brat, right?

BDSM phone sex slutSo for all the Masters in my life, I am giving them the gift of total control and ownership of my body. Each master can do what they want to me because it’s about their pleasure not mine. My first daddy, loves to spank my ass. Always has, always will. So for him, I got him the Robospanker with a doggy stockade to use on me whenever he wants. Have you heard of this machine? It is not cheap, but it is the premiere spanking machine. The paddle swings both horizontally and vertically. Essentially, you can control the tilt, the angle and the speed of the spanks. And the best feature is the remote control, so Daddy can even tell me to spank myself. Now Daddy can give his hand a break sometimes. The best present really for any Master who is fond of bare bottom spankings.

bare bottom spankings daddyFor my boss, who is a second Daddy to me, I got him the Cell Block Bed to use one me in pink coated marine grade aluminum. He can chain me to the bed; suspend me from it for beatings and floggings, or he can keep me a prisoner behind bars, underneath for days denying me even basic necessities . The perfect Father’s day gift for a capricious Master. I am his BDSM and bondage whore, so I know he will love a Father’s Day gift that will cover all sorts of S and M games.

I know how to say Happy Father’s Day to my masters. Without the strong men in my life, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I need masters and fathers, not boyfriends and husbands. Please check out our specials too. You can have more quality time punishing me, for less money. Why break the bank, when you can just break me?

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