Bare Bottom Spankings for a Stupid Submissive Whore

bare bottom spankingsBare bottom spankings are for pleasure and pain. Sometimes a woman just needs a firm hand on her ass. Sometimes a man just wants a bare ass on his firm hand. My boss certainly loves to whack my ass several times a day. Spankings are just for fun, but canning is for when I fuck up. I do my best to follow his instructions down to the letter, but I am a stupid cunt, so sometimes I fuck up. Today was one such occasion. My offense? I misspelled a word in a memo. I normally spell check, but I got distracted by the phone. It was too late by the time I realized my mistake; I had already printed the memo.

He came into my office with a long, ominous looking stick. I felt my body tingle in a mixture of fear and excitement in anticipation of getting my ass whooped. Master can be so brutal on my ass that I need medical attention. One time last year, he used a cat of nine tails on my bare bottom so hard I had gashes that required stitches. My offense then was spilling a glass of water on his oak desk. I know my place. I got up from my desk without a word. Slipped my dress off exposing my perfectly round ass , framed by a garter belt to my Master. “You are such a good submissive whore Bernice, too bad you are a stupid bitch sometimes,” he said as he laid the first whack of the stick against my ass. He bestowed repeated blows to my exposed ass until I was crying in pain and my ass was red and blistered.

submissive whoreHe sent me back to my desk, but it was difficult to sit. I had to retype the memo of course. As extra punishment, I had to type while sucking his dick. If I made a mistake, then he pissed down my throat. Do you know how hard it is to see a computer screen with a 9 inch cock down your throat? I typed the memo, but not before swallowing a few rounds of the boss’s piss first. How would you punish me, sir?

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