BDSM Chat – Master’s Bad Day

BDSM chatMaster was pissed! I had no idea what was wrong, but I knew he would tell me. I assumed the position as quickly as I could once he slammed through the door, on my knees, hands palms up on top of them, head turned to the floor, back straight, ready for Master’s every command. He barked an order, and I all but ran to get him his plate of food, his drink was already sitting in front of him at his spot on the table. As my naked body appeared carrying his tray, he never once turned to look at me. I knelt next to his chair and placed the food in front of him, keeping my eyes on the plate. I could feel him staring at the side of my face as I cut up his food to feed him, but I knew better than to look at him. I was almost done with the preparation of his food, but before I knew what was happening, he was lifting me off of the floor. He carried me over to the living room windows, large floor-to-ceiling windows, and pressed my entire body up against it. We were high above the city, but I knew that if any of our neighbors looked out, they would see my naked form pressed against the glass. One of his hands came up to cover one of my tits as the other slid around front and into my cunt, covering the majority of my nudity even as he started fucking me with his fingers. His lips found my ear and started whispering harshly into it, all the atrocities that had happened that day, along with his displeasure at the way I had sent him to work without a blow job. I knew better than to say anything before he gave me permission, so I didn’t. Then, he was ramming his cock into my ass while he fingered my cunt, and I moaned and groaned with the sensations, but still didn’t dare to open my mouth. There, pressed against the window high above the city, for all the world to see, I was fucked hard enough to rattle the glass over and over.


    • Mass fuck on January 18, 2017 at 11:40 pm
    • Reply

    Excellent stuff, just great!

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