Bondage Whore Bernice

bondage whoreBeing a bondage whore can be dangerous. Master ties me up with care. He does not hurt me either, at least not much. It is about submission and control with us. When I go to fetish clubs, however, it can be a much different dynamic. I am a glutton for punishment. I like to go to BDSM clubs now that most are back open. Men have been out of the game for over a year. Me too, but I have less pent up anger and steam to blow off. That makes me vulnerable, but I like the not knowing. I like being in danger. This BDSM club I frequent is undergrounds. They stay off the radar because they do not follow the letter of the law. They allow the exchange of bodily fluids. They do not screen their clients either. One of these days I may be injured so badly, I end up hospitalized or worse. I was lucky I got out of the club last night on my own two feet. As a single woman in the club, I was matched up with a single man. Most clubs do not allow single males in because many are just misogynistic bullies. The one I went into a room with was just that. He did tie me up, but it was clear he had no clue what he was doing. He had no experience with bondage. When I questioned his skills, he punched me in the face. Master would never punch me. When I fell to the ground, he kicked me calling me names. He clearly hated women and was not interested in a master slave relationship. He just wanted a submissive whore to abuse. He kicked me, spit on me, and fucked me against my will. Master does not mind that I go to these clubs. He just does not want another man cumming inside his property. I had no choice. This angry stranger took total control of me. I have a broken nose and a bunch of bruises. I had to lie to master that I fell down some stairs or he would have hurt me worse.

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