Bondage Whore Mommy


bondage whoreI am a bondage whore. Bondage and spanking get me off. I love being submissive, but something about bondage makes me feel so vulnerable; so helpless. I have been teaching my teen son some bondage techniques. I am trying to groom him to be a dominant man. Like most teen boys, he sees his mommy as the woman who gave him life, thus entitled to respect and love. Women are whores, especially mothers. It is a slow conversion, but he is showing signs of enjoyment and arousal when we play master and servant games. I was so proud of him the other day. I instructed him on how to secure me with ropes. He immobilized me completely. In fact, he tied the ropes so securely that I got rope burn almost instantly. If I tried to move the ropes cut my flesh. I begged for the ropes to be a little less tight, but he laughed and said I was his submissive whore. He pulled out his dick, pissed him my face and laughed some more. I was not expecting that. Up until that day, he always responded with hesitation when I would explain that certain things were his right as a man. Men have the right to force fuck women on a whim. They can rough us up too. Humiliate us, pimp us out, abuse us however they see fit. My son suddenly embraced everything at once. After he pissed in my face, he forced his dick in my exposed ass. No lube or warning, just a really hardcore ass fucking. If I spoke or said ouch, he smacked my face. He also used my big tits as punching bags. I had never seen this side of him. Had I created a dominant master or a monster? After he came in what he called my whore hole, he left me there, on the bed, tied up for hours. I am both proud of him for coming into his dominant side, and scared for what the future holds for me.

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