Bukkake phone sex

Bukkake phone sexSince I’ve started at this Catholic school to teach these youngsters about the wonderful world of sex. These students have taught me more than I thought I knew. Between the shock collar and buzzer sounds that they have made me wear along my neck for control. I’m a slave to their every whim what ever is asked of me I do. Yesterday during lunch I was under my own desk as they each took turns fucking my face filling me up with cum. When they were done with me they left me there drained of all energy still tied up with cum dripping down my face. I know I shouldn’t be doing this but I can’t help it! I’m a dirty submissive whore that loves to be taken advantage of. Any time I go into brat mode I’m severely punished! They’ll tie me to a desk and paddle me until my ass is bright red and the floor is covered in my cum and theirs. Do you wanna teach me a lesson in how to behave? I’ve been a real bad girl daddy! Come and take this little slut.

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