Bukkake phone sex subby cum dump

Bukkake phone sex Bukkake phone sex with a milf is good for the soul. I will feed for the night on cum that drips off my body. Make me your cum slut subby Mommy who will do anything to please you! Start with pulling my body out of the shower and dragging me to the floor. I am in your sub-service and I will take anything you have for me. Big dick, whips, and chains excite me. Let me serve you and everyone that you call in for me. Call over a few buddies to unleash big milky splooge all over me for hours. I will work hard with my mouth and holes to get the maximum cum shots!

Bukkake phone sex subby cum dump

Treat me like a doll and whore me out to strangers. Don’t forget about bondage as I ache and cry to be helping you clean the mess off of me. I want to be so cum covered that my skin wrinkles and I feel like a sloppy pig! I am that OG Submissive whore that will do anything for her master! Love, Your obedient cum bucket, Robyn
Submissive Whore

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